Fancy a weekend away, what's special about Cravens Manor?
Have a celebration for that special birthday, anniversary or reunion. There's absolutely everything you need in the house to make your own very special celebration a great success.
Some Ideas
Enjoy a special wine tasting, perhaps tutored by an expert at Adnams
Go on a brewery or distillery tour at Adnams
Share your and your friends' special interests - choral singing, bird-watching, bell-ringing, there are lots of opportunities at the house or locally to indulge your favourite hobby
If you love music, where better to go than Snape Maltings for top class performances, especially the works of Benjamin Britten. For something special catch Peter Grimes performed where the story is set. The acoustics in Blythburgh Church are sublime
Have a great weekend with friends and family absorb the atmosphere of the house, enjoy, relax and make your own contribution to its happiness
Get Active
Play golf on some fine nearby courses
Breathe deeply while walking on the beach
Try Tai Chi in the garden
Go parkrunning at Lowestoft or Sizewell
Explore the Suffolk Wildlife Trust nature reserves
cravens manor - character, comfort, seclusion
Hugh & Sue Roberts ~ Tel: 07850-669111
Hugh & Sue Roberts
Tel: 07850-669111
© 2025 Cravens Manor